becoming men
bucolic backyard
green grass girded by
tired toi toi, shiny flax and thirsty gum
dirty bare legs, arms and feet
slapping, clashing, thudding
chasing oval ball
boys, dad and uncle battle it out
in time honoured ritual
ball bounces against the house
kids scream 'out'
grandad proudly sits
on shaded sideline
sucking his Speight's through
yellow decaying teeth
shouting & spitting the score
burnt white skin
Otago sun slides
behind black beech
filtered memories
and boys becoming men
bucolic backyard
green grass girded by
tired toi toi, shiny flax and thirsty gum
dirty bare legs, arms and feet
slapping, clashing, thudding
chasing oval ball
boys, dad and uncle battle it out
in time honoured ritual
ball bounces against the house
kids scream 'out'
grandad proudly sits
on shaded sideline
sucking his Speight's through
yellow decaying teeth
shouting & spitting the score
burnt white skin
Otago sun slides
behind black beech
filtered memories
and boys becoming men