Naturcampingplatz und Bungalowsiedlung Alt-Reddevitz
Alt Reddevitz 2, Middelhagen, Deutschland
038308 66960
After a long day's cycling this was a delightfully friendly place to arrive at.
The tent sites were not that level, thus not that suitable for tents. They had a lovely little dining room in their kitchen, however unfortunately for us, the cooking elements were not working.
Comparatively speaking this camping ground was quite expensive, though for some reason I did like it.
Alt Reddevitz 2, Middelhagen, Deutschland
038308 66960
After a long day's cycling this was a delightfully friendly place to arrive at.
The tent sites were not that level, thus not that suitable for tents. They had a lovely little dining room in their kitchen, however unfortunately for us, the cooking elements were not working.
Comparatively speaking this camping ground was quite expensive, though for some reason I did like it.