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Saint Nobody
After volunteering part time for seven years in a local children's
home, I decided it was time I shared what I have been writing. These
poems are an emotional journey through the lives of many children and
young adults. They are a result of listening to the voices of both the
children and the staff that look after them. These kids are my friends.
The short of it is, that this book is both a tumultuous prayer and a frustrated venting at God. Injustice causes me to shout the 'why?' questions and demand action from God.
Saint Nobody unfortunately is sad book, however this emotional landscape is a reality. It is a reality for the kids I know and I suspect it is a reality for millions of institutionalised kids all over the world.
ISBN 978-0-473-16671-7
The short of it is, that this book is both a tumultuous prayer and a frustrated venting at God. Injustice causes me to shout the 'why?' questions and demand action from God.
Saint Nobody unfortunately is sad book, however this emotional landscape is a reality. It is a reality for the kids I know and I suspect it is a reality for millions of institutionalised kids all over the world.
ISBN 978-0-473-16671-7
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